Project Description

In 2019, after years of disinvestment in City facilities, the critical maintenance needs of City Hall, Active Adult Center, and Library exceeded $15.5 million. Faced with this price tag, the Madison Heights Civic Center Plaza renovation project was created to address deferred maintenance of these facilities; however, it quickly became a central public space for community activity, civic engagement, and employee safety. By reimagining the plaza as a modern and inclusive gathering space, the renovation strengthened community bonds, increased utilization of seniors in the new Active Adult Center space, brought departments and residents together, reduced energy costs, and increased employee safety. This vision for a dynamic civic center that addressed all deferred maintenance needs was completed under the $12 million budget. This project isn’t just about physical transformation; it’s about fostering a stronger community identity and creating a lasting legacy for future generations.

Is your project easy to replicate in other communities (clear in its impact and execution for other communities)?

While this process may not be straightforward, it can be replicated in other communities as a way to address deferred building maintenance and right-size public spaces. This project successfully addressed long-term maintenance concerns and enhanced community engagement; its success depended on various factors such as community engagement, and strong strategic planning.

For communities to successfully replicate such a program, they need to develop buy in from elected officials, employees and the public through a strategic planning process focused on the long-term vision of the community. The funding structure, political climate, and existing infrastructure of other communities may differ significantly, affecting the feasibility and replicability of such a project. Therefore, while the project’s principles of revitalization and community engagement can serve as inspiration, careful consideration of local circumstances would be necessary before attempting replication.

What is the Community Wealth Impact (based on one or more of the categories you selected) of your project?

The City’s public buildings were once fractured in different locations throughout our community. Bringing together the buildings into one complex has created a connectedness that improves communication across departments, and improves operational efficiency. The HVAC and lighting updates increase energy efficiency while the new layout provides more equitable access to resources that were once scattered.

Moreover, the expansion allows the City to continually invest in residents by providing a space to program. The Active Adult Center features new amenities such as a game room, computer lab, larger cafeteria, and a programming room to promote social engagement for senior citizens. The library features a children’s room and Makerspace with more accessible technological resources such as 3D printers, computers, and software such as Adobe and Microsoft.

The new facilities also promote Lifelong Learning. Through our shared spaces departments work in conjunction to complement every step of the education journey while also creating community. The library hosts classes and workshops for toddlers, children, teens, and adults while the Active Adult Center focuses on classes and events for senior citizens.

Describe the creativity and originality of your project.

Renovating these key public buildings and connecting them into a unified complex showcases originality and creativity by enhancing community interaction, promoting inclusivity, optimizing resources, and contributing to city-wide revitalization. The physically connected facilities foster a sense of community and promote interaction among different age groups leading to a more cohesive community where resources and activities are more accessible to all residents. The re-imagination of underutilized space into multi-use serves various purposes throughout the day. For example, a common area may be used for social activities for seniors in the morning, library events in the afternoon, and city meetings in the evening. This flexibility maximizes the use of space and resources.

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Project PowerPoint


Project Images


Front of Active Adult Center Post-Renovation

City Hall during Renovation

Civic Center During Renovation

City Council Members, City Manager, and Directors during Groundbreaking Ceremony