Covid-10 Mini Grants and Loans

Population: 2,500-9,999

A grant program created to help local businesses make ends meet during the state shutdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This program used funds from the DDA/Michigan Main Street Program TIF Capture, as well as local donations to provide businesses with a one-time payment up to $1500 to be used in a variety of means in order to keep their doors open and their stores operating. Example uses included rent/mortgage payment, utilities, employee payroll, or interior building improvements. Overall, the program approved 27 grants to businesses totaling just over $39,000, which kept doors open and our downtown corridor from foundering.


It's just money... easily said, but fortunately we had a decent amount of fund balance available (actually planned for physical improvement projects in the future), which helped us be able to release those funds quickly to keep business doors open. Any municipality or program can easily replicate this by using any funding available, or also as we did - seek out "investors" in the community to contribute towards the program as well. It is a win-win when people invest in their own community.

Creativity and Originality:

While many other communities have done projects along the lines of these grants, it has definitely made an impact on our small downtown business climate. Asking those who never really got on board with the program in the past, and who utilized these grants - it was not only a great way to keep their doors open - but it also got our foot in the door with a connection to those businesses who may now understand, utilize, and support what the DDA/Michigan Main Street program does for our community.

Community Impact:

The mini grants put money back into our community, kept businesses open and provided both financial and psychological relief during the stresses and unknowns of the early Covid-19 pandemic. It built a stronger connection with many businesses and our DDA Director and program, which we intend to build on in order to help us in the future to gain feedback and support from the community as we direct our focus and mission towards making a greater impact on our village.

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