Project Description
The physical span of the Nine Mile Redesign Project is on Nine Mile Road in Oak Park from McClain to Hyland streets. This project has increased accessibility to parks and public art, safe multi-modal transportation and provides public spaces to all. This project began with reducing the number of traffic lanes on Nine Mile Road, along with other traffic calming —all while adding creative public spaces. The changes that have occurred were intentional and centered around community improvement and safety. A proactive design approach was used in bringing the elements of this project together. In part, these elements are intended to affect behavior and to lower speeds, ultimately reducing pedestrian injury and fatality, while simultaneously increasing economic development and passive and active recreation opportunities. Furthermore, these efforts were initiated by both an understanding of the Oak Park residents’ needs and through collaborative efforts with Oak Park’s surrounding communities and stakeholders.
Is your project easy to replicate in other communities (clear in its impact and execution for other communities)?
The Oak Park Nine Mile Redesign Project is a multi-faceted project that promotes access to parks, public art, multi-modal transportation, sustainability, safe transportation for all and economic vitality. These benefits are not only experienced by the residents and business owners of Oak Park, but by neighboring communities too. Oak Park is surrounded by the cities of Ferndale, Southfield, Detroit, Berkley, Pleasant Ridge and Huntington Woods. Nine Mile Road is a major thoroughfare for those traveling throughout Southeastern Michigan and such travel density has allowed people throughout the region to experience the benefits of the Nine Mile Redesign Project, for travel, play and shopping and to be inspired by it.
The Nine Mile Redesign Project has garnered attention from its neighboring communities, and all those along the Nine Mile Corridor because of its replicability and forward-thinking approach to street design and placemaking. Recently, with the assistance of Oakland County, the cities of Oak Park, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Southfield, Farmington Hills and Farmington have come together to create a Nine Mile Task Force focused on creating safe and equitable transportation options, connecting green spaces and core services and improving the accessibility and aesthetic of the Nine Mile Road Corridor in Oakland County and to promote this linear area as a regional highlight. The task force was, at least in part, inspired by the Nine Mile Redevelopment Project due to the improved quality of life it has brought to Oak Park residents and businesses, the improved safety factors it has brought to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians and the sustainability features and green infrastructure elements it contains. The Task Force partnered with OHM Advisors to complete a Nine Mile Pathway Feasibility Study, which ultimately created and communicates a regional vision for the corridor. In addition to the Nine Mile Redesign Project sparking the creation of a task force to research and implement similar change in the region, the City of Eastpointe is also looking to Oak Park as an example as it works to implement traffic calming measures and creating safe and enjoyable routes, along with places for individuals to bike, walk, shop and more.
While the Nine Mile Redesign Project has already sparked interest in being replicated due its multi-faceted approach to creating community wealth, it is also replicable because of the funding sources it utilized. In addition to utilizing general fund dollars and funds from the Oak Park Corridor Improvement Authority, the Nine Mile Redesign Project utilized the following funding sources, all of which are available to municipalities:
• The Center for New Urbanism and Project for Public Spaces Grant
• Transportation Assistance Grant
• DNR Land and Conservation Grant
• Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Design and Access Grant (x2)
• Oakland County Local Road Improvement Funding
• MEDC Public Space Community Places Patronicity “Crowdgranting”
Through a holistic approach that prioritized accessible public funding mechanisms and redesign aspects rooted in key elements of public improvement projects, the Nine Mile Redesign Project has brought both positive change to the City of Oak Park and created a replicable redesign template for municipalities across the region.
What is the Community Wealth Impact (based on one or more of the categories you selected) of your project?
The Nine Mile Redesign Project exhibits community wealth through many different criteria, but first it is important to note how that community wealth was achieved. The Nine Mile Redesign Project took 10 years to complete and was centered around community engagement. This project was born out of a partnership with the Center for New Urbanism and Project for Public Spaces along with town halls, charettes, surveys and more. Once ideas on how to revitalize the area were born, improvements were incrementally progressed forward, more public input was sought and utilized and a commitment to bringing more opportunities to an underserved area of the City was made. It was through this that the Nine Mile Redesign Project became one that exhibits the following pillars of community wealth: lifelong learning, public health, arts and culture, financial security, infrastructure and sustainability.
Lifelong Learning and Public Health
The Nine Mile Redesign Project is a prime example of a multi-faceted amenity that promotes healthy lifestyles, outdoor recreation, equitable access, economic vitality, placemaking, and environmental stewardship. The play amenities along the linear park are geared to keep families moving along the length of the park, while also encouraging them to stop and play for a few moments. The Nine Mile Linear Park play amenities showcase its commitment to lifelong learning by providing opportunities for children to develop their imagination and dexterity, along with their physical, cognitive and emotional strength. These amenities also allow for accessibility with soft play surfaces that are flush with the sidewalks and equipment features that are activated by voice and/or a physical presence.
Also, as part of the Nine Mile Redesign Project, two pocket parks, a connector park and a trailhead were installed, all of which also promote outdoor recreation and healthy lifestyles. These features also have play amenities of their own and spaces for people to gather, relax and even charge their electronic devices and provide maintenance on their bicycles. A MoGo bicycle rental station was also installed in this area, further fostering collaboration amongst area organizations and municipalities while also promoting wellness, sustainable efforts, economic vitality and equitable access. Access to recreation opportunities, such as the linear park and the pocket parks in the Nine Mile Redesign Project footprint, are a prime example of community wealth as they promote both physical and mental health in all ages.
Financial Security
Community revitalization through equitable access to parks, economic growth and infrastructure improvements are also reasons the Nine Mile Redesign Project has increased community wealth for the City of Oak Park and the residents in the project area. The amenities the project brought to this area of the City created several different park options for residents to utilize. All the amenities brought forth by the Nine Mile Redesign Project, including not only the parks but the road diet, addition of bicycle lanes and back-in angled parking, are factors that can boost home values, and the success of current and future businesses.
Data shows how financial security in the Nine Mile Corridor has been occurring because of the improvements made. This area is home to a large portion of the City’s low-income families, with 23 percent of residents in the Census tract adjacent to Nine Mile Road living below the poverty level. Recognizing this, City officials knew there was a need of infrastructure that provides residents access to amenities within the City and beyond, without the use of a car. This area also severely lacked recreational opportunities within walking distance before the Nine Mile Redesign Project was completed. Now, residents, and people throughout the region, have a safe space to drive, bike and enjoy an assortment of recreational amenities and economic opportunities.
Economic opportunities in the Nine Mile Corridor have notably grown since the Nine Mile Redesign Project began. Many commercial buildings along the corridor were vacant and underutilized, partly due to lack of parking and the lack of any sense of place. The Nine Mile Redesign Project not only removed these barriers, but transformed the corridor into a place much more attractive to small businesses. This has been proven by the decreased vacancy rate of the corridor from 4.3 percent in 2015 to the current 2.3 percent, as well as the increase in price per square foot from $80 in 2005 to the current $123.
Infrastructure updates, such as traffic calming measures, have also spurred community wealth in the project area and the City itself, even beyond the financial security noted above. The road diet, back-in angled parking, cycle track and improved crosswalks have all helped create a safer Oak Park. The road diet, back-in angled parking and cycle track bollards encourage motorists to slow down and create more room and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Also, the cross walks and lighted traffic signal when pedestrians are crossing, creating an additional layer of protection.
Back-in angled parking was another key piece of the Nine Mile Redesign Project. This change in how people park along this portion of the Nine Mile Corridor has made parking safer for all motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists in the area and created additional parking spots, further promoting economic success.
Arts and Culture
Another key factor in creating a sense of place in the area has been the public art that now adorns the Nine Mile Linear Park. These four pieces of art create opportunities for those walking the park to enjoy and discuss. Two of the pieces along the park were created from recycled material, highlighting the importance of sustainability and how it can be applied in our daily lives. Furthermore, all the public art on the linear park represents either Oak Park’s diversity, history or core values.
As more economic development continues to move forward in the corridor, because of the redesign project, additional public art is popping up. New Nine Mile business Pie-Sci recently added a mural to the side of their building and another newly purchased building in the area will begin to go through the City’s process to add a mural as well.
Sustainability is not only highlighted in pieces of the public art, but also in the infrastructure updates in the project footprint. The addition of bioswales and native plants along the linear park were intentional choices, with the purpose being to promote environmental stewardship.
Overall, the Nine Mile Redesign Project has increased the quality of life for Oak Park residents, businesses and those throughout Southeastern Michigan looking to experience a fun and unique park setting. Each aspect of the project was intentional in ensuring a cohesive approach to promoting access to parks, economic opportunities and safe transportation options. These pieces of the project were amongst the main pillars in the Nine Mile Redesign Project and have created a placemaking model for other communities to reference, and replicate, in the future.
Describe the creativity and originality of your project.
The key elements of the Nine Mile Redesign Project are easily replicable by other communities, but this project is a prime example of municipal innovation that truly represents the City of Oak Park. From the idea to transform a dilapidated corridor with little economic vitality and high amounts of traffic to a recreation focused area meant to encourage safety, mobility, financial security and public art, the Nine Mile Redesign Project is nothing but creative. Furthermore, the City’s commitment to providing dense recreation access to an underserved community is a continuous theme throughout the project.
The Nine Mile Linear Park is not your average park. Its location has been deemed non-traditional by some, in that it is located next to a street. The safety of those walking along the linear park has come into question, but through the addition of a protected cycle track and landscaping meant to serve as a buffer, a walk down the park feels anything but dangerous. The fact that this park is meant to be walked to be fully enjoyed also makes the Nine Mile Linear Park original. This park encourages families to participate in active play, with amenities that are engaging yet are meant to be utilized while walking down the path. When walking down the path there is also public art that is placed along it, all of which is unique and was chosen through the input of selected residents, artists and City staff. Each sculpture represents Oak Park and its core values.
Along the Nine Mile Linear Park is a connector park, which has a unique story in-and-of itself. The Nine Mile Connector Park is located between two houses and can be accessed from both the linear park along Nine Mile Road or Troy Street. This park is inviting and accessible to all, but years before the zip line, shade sails and swings were added there was a vacant lot that sat there. When the lot vent up for sale City officials had the vision to purchase it with the goal of turning it into a park. That vision has since become a reality, creating a safe and accessible place for all to play, all while raising property values.
In addition to the connector park and linear park are two pocket parks in the project area footprint. Sherman Pocket Park was the first to be brought to life, of both the pocket parks and all the parks in the project area. Sherman Pocket Park began as a month-long pop-up pocket park that was meant to educate area residents on what a permanent park in that space would mean for them. Resident interest quickly grew, and soon enough the space was not only regularly used by residents but also kept up by them. The pop-up park was identified by paintings on the street, and residents would regularly touch up the paint and help keep the temporary park structures (all built from pallets by City DPW staff) clean and usable. The local businesses also jumped in on the fun, helping to activate the space with City recreation staff. This all-in approach showed that a permanent pocket park in that space would be a key piece in transforming the area.
Much of this creativity and originality could not have been brought to permanent fruition without funding. City officials were committed to transforming the corridor and diligently worked to obtain federal, state and private grants to ensure it came to fruition, all while being fiscally responsible. The City also understood the importance of public input, and public buy-in, in this project so a portion of it was also crowdfunded.

Project PowerPoint
Project Images
The Nine Mile Redesign Project has created a safe and vibrant corridor that supports active play, public art, economic activity and safe transportation options for all.
Community engagement was a key part of the Nine Mile Redesign Project. Residents even helped created the Sherman Pop-up Pocket Park to help those in the area understand what a permanent park could mean for them.
Many road improvements were made in the redesign project, all of which have helped businesses thrive, home values increase and create a safer area for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.