City of Davison Community Basketball Court Rehabilitation

Community: City of Davison
Population: 2,500-9,999

The City of Davison is blessed to have a beautiful 132 acre park enjoyed by the community and surrounding areas. We are very excited and proud to announce the redevelopment of our basketball courts in Jack Abernathy Regional Park. The basketball court rehabilitation project was truly a collaborative effort bringing the community together. This venture was made possible with fundraising events which included Comedy for the Courts and the City of Davison Golf Outing. Additional funds were obtained through the MDNR Passport Grant and numerous generous community donations.


We had the right project, passion and existing footprint to easily replicate the courts. Though our original courts were in bad shape, they were used constantly by people of all ages and abilities. This restoration was something that was long overdue. What makes the City of Davison Community Basketball Court Rehabilitation project special is the way the community was truly behind the efforts. The City of Davison along with Davison Township, Richfield Township, and Davison Community Schools put together the Davison Area Recreation Plan. This plan included a community survey to explore what was important to our residents. A goal of that plan was not only to “Continue the high level of care and maintenance at existing parks, but to retain and expand public land for use by existing residents and future generations”. This project was something that fit into that goal.

Creativity and Originality:

The basketball courts truly represent the Davison community. The courts are nestled close to our schools and display the cardinal colors of maroon and gold to represent our school district. This unique color scheme makes the small hometown spirit flows from the schools to the park. The courts accompany other amenities including tennis courts, volleyball courts, a skate park and a playscape. Enjoying the great outdoors, exercise and activities are important. So, BYOB – Bring Your Own Basketball!

Community Impact:

Our community is always looking for safe, family friendly and fun activities. This renovation of the dilapidated courts was exactly what was needed to bring renewed energy, not only to the park, but to the entire community. The excitement and use of the courts has been overwhelming. The courts are used continuously, bringing people from all over the county to enjoy. We even had numerous requests to have the courts open during the wintertime. Most recently, we partnered with the Chamber of Commerce and Davison Community Enrichment and Recreation to hold fundraisers, tournaments and basketball clinics on our courts.

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