Community: City of Caro
Population: 2,500-9,999
The City of Caro over the past year applied major redevelopment to a local downtown park (Atwood Park). Atwood Park has been a major part of the community for the past twenty years and has played a major role in serving as a venue for music and holiday festivals. The redevelopment efforts included landscaping the entire facility and constructing a band shell for musical performances. The primary goal of redeveloping Atwood Park was to provide more venue space for performances and create a more attractive environment for audience members to interact with.
The group project was easy to replicate because of the effective timeline that was laid out by the City of Caro and the Downtown Development Authority. With the effective teamwork of these two organizations we were able to successfully accomplish a project in an efficient manner.
Creativity and Originality:
The creativity of this project was that there were substantial contributions from many citizens to support this redevelopment effort. We had many citizens donate money to support the construction of the band shell. Also, we had numerous citizens contribute to labor for the landscaping and flower arrangements. This was a true project that involved community collaboration contributing to a successfully completed project.
Community Impact:
This project has made the quality of life for artists and citizens much better. With the new band shell we are able to host bands and other large-scale music festivals. Also, with the band shell we can host art galleries as well. Not only does the Atwood Park area provide functional improvements for residents it has served to provided a prettier environment for citizens to gather for social events.