Bessemer Citizen Group Creates New Brand
Population: Under 2,500
Like many cities across Michigan, Bessemer struggles financially. But the city did not let finances get in the way of completing an updated Master Plan and creation of a new brand. Led by Bessemer City Manager Charly Loper, a diverse group of 12 citizens began meeting monthly with the challenge of creating a new brand for the city. The group shared ideas, gathered community feedback, put forth ideas, vetted the ideas, and ultimately came to a consensus on the new brand. The group developed a presentation and shared the idea with the DDA, City Council and after receiving unanimous support from these groups, presented it to city residents to an overwhelming show of support. All of this was done with no cost. As finances have become available, the new brand is being used on a new website, stationery, lamp post banners, and soon new entry signs to the city.