Orion Township’s Baldwin Road Widening and Beautification Project

Community: Orion Township
Population: 10,000+

Decades in the making, this multi-million dollar road widening and beautification project came to completion this spring in Orion Township. The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), Orion Township, and OHM Advisors came together to re-invent a two-mile stretch of a major corridor in Orion Township to increase capacity and spur economic growth. Following years of public input and federal review, the project officially began construction in 2018, which included widening Baldwin Road from a congested two-lane road to a combination four-lane boulevard and five-lane road, including the construction of five roundabouts, eight-foot non-motorized pathways along both sides, new pocket-parks, pedestrian lighting, and landscaping enhancements. This $55 million project was funded using a mix of federal, state, county, and local dollars. “Simply put, it’s a game-changer! Our residents and businesses will reap the benefits of our new state-of-the-art corridor for decades to come” said Supervisor Chris Barnett.


To have a successful road reconstruction and beautification project such as this requires committed partnerships between various entities at all levels, both public and private. This project would not have been possible without the prioritization by RCOC for the past 20-years, who had a vision and were able to secure federal and state funding, as well as the foresightedness of Orion Township officials to set aside the necessary funding for the local match across multiple Boards. These partners were able to come together to design a road that increased capacity while decreasing congestion, in addition to the local community prioritizing the beautification aspect with enhanced landscaping, pedestrian pathways, and pocket parks. This level of placemaking can be replicated by any community with the willingness, foresight, and partners who can come together to see it come alive.

Creativity and Originality:

Orion Township established a Corridor Improvement Authority to help fund a portion of the $3 million worth of landscaping enhancements that were part of this project. When completing projects of this scale, RCOC uses minimum/basic quality landscaping, signage, and lighting. Orion Township, aware of the future economic and quality of life significance of this project, worked with RCOC and Township Engineers, OHM Advisors, to design enhanced landscaping and pedestrian elements. These enhancements include decorative landscaping in the medians and the roundabouts (with a fountain in the center of the middle roundabout), decorative pedestrian lighting, eight-foot-wide pathways along both sides of the roadway, and dedicated space for at least two pocket parks. The first of the two pocket parks is located at the southern gateway, which is a custom play structure in the shape of a dragon and includes a storybook trail written and illustrated by Lake Orion High School students. The Playful Dragon pocket park was funded in part with a $65,000 KaBoom! and Ralph C. Wilson Jr. grant, as well as with $65,000 of in-kind work donated by Pulte (who are is currently construction townhomes just east of the park). The second park, which is located father north along the corridor, will be a tribute to the historic Gingellville District and Gingell family.

Community Impact:

This section of Baldwin was previously very congested (with approximately 30,000 vehicles traveled per day), which hurt areas businesses, and made it difficult for residents to travel to and from their homes. Now the traffic flows much better, the road is considerably safer, and it's visually appealing. The real estate along this corridor is now much more valuable because of its accessibility. The area never experienced road closures during the construction process, which allowed businesses to remain open throughout the project. Additionally, the Township has seen increased business investment through façade improvements, new businesses opening, and new residential and commercial developments along the corridor. Residents are also enjoying the new addition to an already extensive safety path network, and are active along the new pathway system, in addition to enjoying the new Playful Dragon pocket park.

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