Oak Park “Operation Ice Cream Truck”

Community: City of Oak Park
Population: 10,000+

On May 22nd the Oak Park Public Safety Department unveiled an ice cream truck. The idea was brought forward by one of my Detectives who learned of similar efforts in Boston and St Louis. The ice cream truck will be driven throughout the neighborhoods by sworn officers in uniform during the summer months. The Officers will be handing out FREE ice cream. We will also attend various City events with the sole intent of interacting with the community members (specifically the youth) in a fun and positive manner. We seize opportunities to build our relationship with community members and sharing ice cream is a great way. Several of the local businesses donated various items to cover the costs of “Operation Ice Cream Truck.”


Whether it's ice cream or some other item or method, the goal is to facilitate positive interaction with members of the community. The dividends you will receive on your investment are simple and priceless.

Creativity and Originality:

This is an "out of the box" type approach to engage the community in a positive fashion using an ice cream truck as our initial approach.

Community Impact:

Since the unveiling of the project we have had overwhelmingly positive responses from the community. They are excited about the project and are looking forward to the interaction and ice cream!

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