City of Vassar Floodplain Park Gains

Community: City of Vassar
Population: Under 6,000

Roughly 21% of all properties in the City of Vassar are in the floodplain. Several of those properties are City owned and have, until now, been ‘dead space’. We are proud to say this land has recently been creatively developed into: a clearcut area along the Cass River allowing for easier River access (2021), bench swings and several art pieces installed along the river banks (2019-2022) , a Dog Park (to be completed July 2022), a Disc Golf course (to be completed in 2022),and even a secluded outdoor venue (began space rental in 2019); all of these unique additions on land that would otherwise go unused. To emphasize the true importance of these additions to our community, three out of five of these projects were listed as primary improvements, or amenities, our citizens wished to see offered by our City (per the City’s ‘Vassar Vision Plan’ survey conducted in 2016).


Other communities can absolutely replicate our floodplain projects! According to FEMA, of the 1,776 communities (Cities, Villages, and Townships) in Michigan, currently about 1,004 communities have floodplain maps. How amazing to think that not all of that land in those communities has to be considered 'dead space'! We'd love to share ways to make the most of floodplain lands that have previously thought to have been useless!

Creativity and Originality:

As creative as we feel these projects are, we can't take full credit. As previously mentioned, the majority of these projects were selected based on citizens' suggestions. We are proud to have been able to give our residents what they wanted most, and find such brilliant uses for some of the floodplain areas of our City! #wastenotwantnot #vibrantvassar

Community Impact:

Adding these floodplain-based parks and spaces has already added to our community wealth. The outdoor event space on South Water Street has provided a venue for one of our downtown business; Shades of Teal. This business specializes in wedding planning and decor. The other areas allow for community togetherness and recreation. We believe you simply can't put a value on assets like these.

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